Wednesday, April 30, 2008

i put too many cili padi in my cooking today

disclaimer: i am not well and have thousands of things on my mind so i'll be extra bitchy tis time but this is trully how i feel, not just because i'm under influence of stress and whom i referring to here, nk terase, terase la...u deserve a big fat slap to wake u up!

orang tua2 slalu bilang
jgn slalu ckp x de duit, nnt x de duit betul br tau
deserve you rite la
time senang buat2 sombong ngn aku
aku tegur buat tak layan
now dh ssh tahu pulak nk cr aku
giler muka tak tahu malu seyhhhh
vavi tul so called friends camni
nampak baik sgt ngn si polan polan tu
siap beli tiket sekali per, nape x mintak tolong diaorg jer?
aku jugak yg ko cari
aku mls je nk tegur cr ko spend duit ko
ye la, duit ko, ikut suka ko la
tapi smpai sewa umah sndri pon x leh byr, ape kess?!
pandai2 la manage duit
igt aku tak tau camne ko shopping
weyh, retail therapy only works to certain level and only if u have tonnes of extra money to burn
kalu aku tegur kan nnt terase plak
mula la moody, jumpe buat2 tak nampakla
tak bertegur sape la
aku tak tegur pon dh lyn aku cam i'm nothing, kalu aku tegur lgla
dh tau duit x de, mintakla ngn FAMA awal2
dgr kate bapak dh jd VIP, sure kantung penuh
kalu x nk sshkan mak bapak pandai2la jimat
x yah la beli benda yg x perlu
kalu ikut nafsu camni la jadinyer
aku pon terigin byk bende tp boley je thn
x mati pon klau x de baju Guess or bag TNA
ckp x de duit nak beli laptop baru tp beli ipod ade plak duit
mane lg penting?
laptop nk blajar ke ipod nk dgr lagu?
bknnyer x de mp3 player
dh ade kn? n it's still working good i see
nk cr umah yg dekat n sewa murah
murah camne pon aku x tau kalu cad500 tu kire mhl
jd homeless la, x yah byr sewa langsung
nk bilik plg kecik sbb nk sewa plg murah
pastu nnt kalu merengek bilik kecik x best mmg nk mkn penampar aku la
sekarang ni pon kire bertuah ko duk bilik besar tp byr sama rata
kesian hsemet ko
sedar tak?
pasni aku mls dh nk lyn ur moodiness
igt ko sorg ade mood nk org lyn?
aku x buat pape pon kat ko tp ko buat bitchy ngn aku
cr org lain la nk menempel pasni
aku tolong ni pon sbb just in case in da future manela tau i need your help pulak
jgn nk kate aku kwn yg x baik, cermin diri sndri dulu
grow up n b responsible n dun count on others to clean up ur mess


Anonymous said...

i sooo teringin nak get into their minds sometimes. i mean like, what were they thinkinnnn?

laily said...

honestly i like reading this kind of entries, make me feel like i'm not the only one not about to lose my mind in this world.

with that said, i vote for the lempang part. i always want to know how does bitchslapping somebody feel like. so i just live vicariously through you lah :P

luck with your exam :)

CT DALILAH said...

nodee: no need la...they're not worth it pon kan?

laily: if it comes to dat, i'll let u know how dat feels (bitchslapping) gonna feel soo good eh? thanks!

Unknown said...

orang tua kata..jgn cakap xder duit.. nanti betul2 xder duit kan
agak2 .. kalau asyik cakap bnyk duit... bertambah x duit nanti?
just kidding.. :P
salam dari saya!

CT DALILAH said...

hannan: dun think it'll work if niat nk menunjuk2 or riak~ salam to u too...